A Lifelong Bond: Sonia’s Breastfeeding Journey

A Lifelong Bond: Sonia's Breastfeeding Journey

I never knew anyone growing up who breastfed their baby – my whole life I had only heard about babies getting bottles. When I learned that breastfeeding was possible, I knew right away that I wanted to try. My goal at first was 6 months, then it became a year, and now my daughter is almost 23 months and we’re still going!

While it was wonderful that my baby latched right after my unplanned C-section, the rest of the journey wasn’t easy at first – she wasn’t gaining enough weight so we had to triple feed which meant I would nurse her, pump, then give her a bottle of breastmilk or formula. I had been given some bad advice by a lactation consultant at the hospital that lowered my milk supply. My nipples were cracked, bleeding, and dry, every time I pumped it hurt, and my wrists were aching from holding her head up while I nursed her.
I met with a few IBCLCs from My Pure Delivery and it was life-changing. They taught me how to take care of my nipples, they measured my nipples and I learned I was using the wrong flange size, they showed me how to help my baby have a bigger,
better latch, and they helped me with positioning her so my wrists wouldn’t hurt so much. Because of them what started out as difficult became second-nature, comforting, and a wonderful nursing relationship!
I went to Breastfeeding Support Group first in-person, then virtually during the pandemic, and it has been a total lifeline for me. I’ve learned (and continue to learn!) so much about breastfeeding and babies/toddlers in general, and on my hard days I don’t feel so alone because of the incredible friends I’ve made in support group.
I love nursing so much. Most of the time, when my daughter needs me, it’s actually me that needs her. The confidence I have knowing I can feed my baby is indescribable, and the bond we’ve created as a result I know will be lifelong.

***The information provided on our website is intended solely for general educational and informational purposes only. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician for any questions you may have regarding your or your child’s medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have received in this information.***