Our Services

Our Services

our services

Prenatal Preparation

Set yourself up for breastfeeding success! While not everyone will experience problems, mothers who prepare ahead tend to have smoother, easier breastfeeding journeys. Your prenatal consult is tailored to your specific needs and will include individualized breastfeeding education, a breast exam, demonstration of key techniques in the first few days, referrals to other health care providers who may need to be part of your breastfeeding team, how to establish your milk supply, common hospital procedures and experiences that lead to unplanned supplementation… and more! Also considering taking one of our prenatal classes!

prenatal lactation consult is recommended for all pregnant people, especially those with history of:
      • any breast/nipple surgery
      • flat or inverted nipples
      • insulin dependent diabetes
      • PCOS and infertility
      • pregnancy with twins or more
      • significant difficulty breastfeeding in the past
      • are planning to induce lactation

Postpartum Services

Problems in the early weeks often become much bigger issues if ignored or treated incorrectly. You and your baby are unique, and deserve the highest level of care. Getting the right help, early on, will save you pain and energy in the long run!

Common newborn feeding issues include:

  • Oral Restrictions (tongue/lip ties) 
  • Bottle Refusal
  • Latch Pain/Damage
  • Supply
  • Gas/Colic
    • Teething
    • Starting Solids
    • Distraction
    • Bottle Feeding
    • Nursing Strikes
    • Sleep Issues

You may think that once you’re past the difficult newborn stage, breastfeeding will be smooth sailing. Hopefully that is true for you. However, as your baby grows and develops, new breastfeeding struggles can appear. We can help you through these challenging times so that you can maintain this beautiful, beneficial relationship for as long as you desire.

Some babies have feeding difficulties due to oral restrictions (tongue tie, lip tie, buccal tie, etc.). Our IBCLCs are trained and experienced in working with infants who have oral restrictions. We perform an oral exam on your baby in every postpartum consultation to assess tongue movement and function as it relates to breastfeeding, as well as evaluate suck strength and efficiency. Not all oral restrictions require a revision procedure. However, if we notice that your baby has a restriction that affects their ability to feed effectively, we will recommend an evaluation by a pediatric dentist or ENT for a frenotomy/frenectomy procedure and follow up care with your lactation consultant.

Some signs and symptoms of possible oral restrictions include:

  • Difficulty latching
  • Clicking, coughing, choking, gulping, or dribbling milk out of the mouth while feeding
  • Colic, gas or reflux symptoms
  • High, narrow, or bubble palate
  • Mouth breathing or constant nasal congestion
  • Inadequate weight gain
  • Long feeding times
  • Inability to use a bottle or pacifier
Signs in the mother:
  • Latch pain
  • Cracked, creased, misshapen or bleeding nipples
  • Low milk supply
  • Recurrent clogged ducts/mastitis
  • Incomplete breast drainage with feedings

IBCLCs can be instrumental in breaking the cycle of recurrent infections. Sure, your physician can write a prescription for an antibiotic or antifungal remedy for mastitis or thrush, but without uncovering and addressing the underlying issue, it’s likely to come back. Your lactation consultant can spend the time needed to determine the root cause of why this happened, and work with you to resolve it. At My Pure Delivery, we also collaborate with your medical provider, working together to keep you healthy while protecting your milk supply.

Yes, we can also help you not breastfeed. We are here to improve the health and well-being of mothers and babies, and if breastfeeding isn’t your thing, or if you’re ready to be done, we are happy to help you suppress your supply safely, so you don’t experience painful engorgement or end up with mastitis.

Did you know that it is possible to produce milk without giving birth? This is an option many adoptive, surrogate, and same-sex families take. It is also possible to induce lactation to get your supply back after you’ve weaned. An IBCLC can create an individualized plan based on your unique circumstances, and help guide and provide support for your relactation or induced lactation journey.

Don’t see your reason listed above? Don’t worry! This list is not exhaustive. Whatever you’re dealing with, our highly trained, experienced, compassionate staff is here to help you through it.

Many mothers worry about making the transition back to work. Meeting with an IBCLC to formulate an individualized plan for making a smooth transition will help you maintain your desired breastfeeding relationship. With a little planning and preparation, you can continue to provide your baby with your breast milk- even while you are apart.

Click here to learn more about what classes we offer!

Everyone needs support from time to time. Click here to learn more about our FREE support group!

Pumping/Bottle Feeding

Do you know how to use your breast pump efficiently to maximize your milk production? Are you using the right size flanges? Fact: many mothers are not, and incorrect flange fit can lead to pain, nipple damage, and reduced supply. Typically done virtually over a HIPAA secure platform, our basic pump consult is 30 minutes, and includes measuring for correct flange fit and an overview of your pump and how to use it.
To discuss milk supply issues or other breastfeeding concerns, please book a full consultation with one of our IBCLCs.


Breastfeeding Basics

Join our International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) for an informative and interactive class on all things breastfeeding. Learn everything you need to know from the advantages of breastfeeding, to proper positioning and techniques! Covered by most insurance.

Newborn Basics

This class is taught by a Registered Nurse and teaches expectant parents who have little or no experience with babies about the basics of newborn care. This is a very interactive class so be prepared to swaddle, burp, and diaper some baby dolls! Covered by most insurance.

Infant CPR & Safety

Our Infant CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) & Safety Class is taught by a Registered Nurse and teaches preventative and life-saving information to parents and caregivers of infants up to 1 year of age. In addition to learning lifesaving techniques, parents will receive recommendations on how to make their home and vehicle a safer place for their infant.

our services
our services

FREE Support Group

Join our lactation consultant and other moms for some breastfeeding tips and tricks, helpful approaches, and answers to your breastfeeding questions. Group is open to all expecting people and mothers with babies. You do not have to be a client.

Virtual: We meet on Zoom on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesday of each month at 11 AM Central.

In Person: We meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 10 AM at Cedar Park Regional Medical Center.

*Please note that this is not a one-on-one. If you have major breastfeeding issue, please click here to schedule a consult. Most insurance accepted for in-person and virtual consultations!