Parenting Isn’t Black Or White, But Many Shades of Grey

Parenting Isn't Black Or White, But Many Shades of Grey

Parenting Isn't Black Or White, But Many Shades Of Grey

Having a new baby is not only a joyous time, but also a stressful time. Being responsible for a life that is completely dependent on you for survival can have you questioning every move and decision you make. Of course you want your child to grow up into a loving, happy, and successful adult, but how? The answer…listen to your inner voice and trust your parenting instincts.

Even early on you will know what is appropriate for your child. Trust your gut that if it doesn’t feel right, then it probably isn’t. Remember, you are your child’s primary caregiver and know your baby better than anyone else in the world. While well-meaning friends, family, and even healthcare professionals may have a thorough knowledge about babies in general, they don’t know your baby with her unique behaviors and temperament. While they may be giving great advice or recommendations, it may not be necessarily right for your family dynamic.

By now, you’ve probably been inundated with (unsolicited) opinions on how to raise your baby. If not, trust me, it will come. While some of the advice you receive will be accurate and helpful, others may be out of date and can even be dangerous. So how do you decipher good advice from bad? The best action is to educate yourself so that you can make decisions that are best for your family unit. And remember, parenting isn’t black or white, but many shades of grey.
In order for you to make educated, informed decisions, you will have to delve into the wealth of information that’s out there. Read as many books as you can, take classes, visit informational and evidence-based websites, and consult trusted healthcare professionals and family members. Once you’ve gathered a body of research from trusted sources, take the information and mold the suggestions into what will work best for your family.
As with anything, there are some absolutes. For instance, babies need to be loved, fed, changed, and must have a car seat when traveling in the car. But how you feed your baby, what type of car seat you use, what baby wash you use, or what kind of diapers to buy are all personal preferences that vary between families. Keep in mind that there are literally thousands of ways to accomplish the same goal. Just keep love and nurturing along with your baby’s health, safety, and well-being at the top of the list and everything else will fall into place.
Remember, each and every one of us is different and with knowledge comes power. Educating yourself will help you gain confidence in your parenting decisions, which will enable you to trust your parenting abilities.
“There is no way to be a perfect parent, but a million ways to be a good one.”

***The information provided on our website is intended solely for general educational and informational purposes only. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician for any questions you may have regarding your or your child’s medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have received in this information.***