When Baby Spit Up Is No Longer Normal

Babies Spit Up- When Is It A Problem?

Babies Spit Up- When Is It A Problem?

All babies spit up to varying degrees. Their little sphincters separating the esophagus from the stomach are pretty floppy, and their digestive systems in general are immature. If baby gets fussy, is overfull, or moves just the wrong way, that floppy sphincter can open up easily and propel their meal up and out instead of down and digested. The good news is, the sphincter gets stronger over time, and babies usually stop spitting up sometime between 6-12 months. 

It can be stressful not knowing why your baby is spiting up, or feeling like your baby is spitting up too often. Just remember, it is a normal stage for babies, and it soon will pass. However, it is important to be aware of the signs that there may be something wrong. Continue reading to learn when it’s a problem, and how to reduce spit-ups!

How to know when frequent spitting up is a problem:
  1. If baby isn’t gaining weight
  2. If it’s causing pain or affecting their sleep
  3. If it’s forceful (projectile vomiting)
  4. If it’s green or yellow in color, or has blood in it
How to reduce spit-ups (according to Mayo Clinic):
  1. Feed and keep baby in an upright position.
  2. Feed smaller amounts more frequently
  3. Burp frequently
  4. Experiment with your diet to identify any sensitivities

**It is not recommended to place babies on their tummies to sleep in order to reduce spitting up. Stomach sleeping is a risk factor for SIDS.

Keep in mind that it’s easy to overestimate the amount your baby has spit up. The size of a spit-up stain may look like their entire meal, but if they are gaining weight and don’t have any of the signs of a medical issue, just remember this too shall pass! That said, if your mommy gut tells you there may be something wrong, please call your pediatrician immediately. 

***The information provided on our website is intended solely for general educational and informational purposes only. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician for any questions you may have regarding your or your child’s medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have received in this information.***